If you suffered from hearing loss for some time, finally having your hearing restored with hearing aids can take some getting used to.

Because your ears have been deprived of sound, when you suddenly get it back, it may be alarming to your brain. When you have hearing loss, after a while your brain fully adapts to listening through the filter of hearing loss. Therefore, it will now need to adapt again to hearing amplified sounds.

The good news is, your brain can bounce back pretty quickly and for most people, it takes less than a month to get used to hearing aids.

Here are five ways to make the transition to hearing aids go smoothly:

Achieve Proper Fit

An audiologist will fit you for your new hearing aids. Achieving the perfect fit is vital to ensuring that your hearing aids feel comfortable and work effectively.

For the first few weeks, you’ll notice the feeling of something in your ear. However, your hearing aids should never hurt or feel bothersome. If they do, be sure to speak up and let your audiologist know right away.

Also, have the audiologist demonstrate how you’ll insert your hearing aids yourself at home. Have him or her show you multiple times if necessary.

Having your hearing aids placed in the right position can go a long way to reducing feedback.

Allow of an Adjustment Period

If after getting your hearing aids the sound is uncomfortably loud, speak to your audiologist.

Your hearing doctor can program your device so that the sound is lower at first and then gradually increase the volume, allowing you to adjust to your new hearing level at a slower pace.

During this adjustment period, try to stay away from overly noises places, like concerts and crowded restaurants with a lot of background noise, which can be a little overwhelming at first.

Consult Your Audiologist

After receiving your hearing aids, you’ll schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor.

However, if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort or trouble adjusting to the point where you can’t wear your hearing aids for an entire day, don’t wait for your follow-up visit, call your audiologist right away.

Try Auditory Rehabilitation

For those that still have trouble understanding words and following conversations, even with new aids, there are online hearing aid training programs that may help.

These auditory listening programs can be done at home on the computer. Most auditory rehabilitation programs are free or relatively inexpensive and can help improve your listening and communication skills while increasing your ability to process sound quickly.

Your audiologist can determine if auditory rehabilitation is right for you.

Have Realistic Expectations

While hearing aids can, in many cases, do wonders for improving your ability to hear, they can’t return your hearing to normal.

Most people with hearing loss have damage to their auditory system that cannot be reversed. Your hearing aids will make sounds louder and make it easier for you to communicate with others.

However, you may still need to practice active listening, ask others to speak louder and look directly at your while speaking.

Keeping these things in mind will help you to be realistic regarding your hearing aids and how much they will improve your hearing.

Is Your Hearing Aid Working for You?

The more you understand your hearing loss and treatment, the more actively you can participate in your adjustment to using hearing aids. Speak with your audiologist and also do your own research.

Hearing is a complex function that requires the cooperation of your brain, ears, and other senses.

When getting used to hearing aids, it takes a combination of practice, time and patience. Once you’ve given your brain some time to acclimate, you’ll be able to hear better without thinking so much about your hearing.

If you need help getting used to your hearing aids, Dr. Kathy at New York Hearing Center today.

Dr. Kathy Feng

Dr. Kathy Feng

Dr. Kathy Feng is a NY State licensed Doctor of Audiology with over 10 years of experience working with patients of all ages. Part of her inspiration came from watching her grandmother struggle with hearing loss during her golden years.